I just saw this on the web: Technorati launches an advertising network for blogs and targets IT companies.
This could become really interesting. Recent studies show that increasingly the "internet" is beating traditional marketing in influencing buying decisions. It is not too far-fetched to assume that "internet" translates to communities, blogs and other Web 2.0 platforms.
Technorati is the market leader in blogging search and this means they are ideally positioned as advertising network.Obviously this will mean bloggers are losing their virginity / innocence. They will become adult. Some may become boring even. It will definitely be interesting to see how this will change the blogging culture. I bet that money will "spoil" many of them and blogging will increasingly become lke traditional online media.
Here lies the chance for the traditional media who recently saw themselves increasingly under attack from the Web 2.0. They know how to handle journalistic "freedom" against ads. Bloggers will have to undergo a cultural shift - and that is never easy.