Everybody loves surveys. Especially the ones covering yourselves.
So PRWEEK UK comes up with a story on the "Typical PR Person" (you need to be a subscriber to read the full story)- and guess what, they (we) like good food, whichever PR person you are. I would have said everybody likes good food, but probably PR people can afford that luxury as well, being the overpaid, luxury-seeking party-people we are.
PR people (according to PRWEEK) can be put into three categories: New Urban Colonists, Global Connectors and Cultural Leaders. They share an interest in food (actually the NUCs are exclusively interested in that), the GCs like travelling and interior design and the CLs also like reading and going to classical concerts and to the theatre. I find it interesting that the age range for PR people ends at 54 - what do PR people do afterwards? I will find out soon enough I guess.
Now why is that story interesting? Because the media hardly seem to be part of their lives. Only the NUCs are "avid consumers of information", the survey says - but that is more or less all you will read about PR people's interest in media in the survey. Is that really true? How can you be a successful PR person if media is not a major part in your daily life? How can you consult your clients if you are NOT an "avid consumer" of TV, radio, magazines, papers, blogs, podcasts etc? Honestly, I don't know. What I strongly believe though is that my clients pay me for my media knowledge rather than for my food preferences.
Call me a news nerd - I am proud of it.
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